home first back 1-3 379-599 600-805 forward

Palmer, M. W. (1995). "Blurry artifacts: a retraction." Journal of Vegetation Science 6: 447.
[DCCA, theory, general]

Pappas, J. L.;Stoermer, E. F. (1995). "Effects of inorganic nitrogen enrichment on Lake Huron phytoplankton: an experimental study." Journal of Great Lakes Research 21: 178-191.
[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, limnology, algology, ecological experiments, phytoplankton]

Pappas, J. L.;Stoermer, E. F. (1995). "Multidimensional analysis of diatom morphologic and morphometric phenotypic variation and relation to niche." Ecoscience 2: 357-367.
[CCA, morphology, algology, diatoms]

Parikesit, P.;Larson, D. W.;Matthes-Sears, U. (1995). "Impacts of trails on cliff-edge forest structure." Canadian Journal of Botany 73: 943-953.
[CCA, DCCA, ecological impacts, vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]

Parker, A. J. (1995). "Comparative gradient structure and forest cover types in Lassen Volcanic and Yosemite National Parks, California." Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 122: 58-68.
[CCA, ecology, vascular plants]

Patón, D.;Martín, L.;Cereijo, M.;Rota, A.;Rojas, A.;Tovar, J. (1995). "Relationship between rank order and productive parameters in Verata goats during milking." Animal Science 61: 545-551.
Paton, D. {}
Martin, L. {}
[CCA, agriculture, goats]

Pedersen, G.;Tande, K. S.;Nilssen, E. M. (1995). "Temporal and regional variation in the copepod community in the central Barents Sea during spring and early summer 1988 and 1989." Journal of Plankton Research 17: 263-282.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, marine biology, copepods]

Petridis, D.;Sinis, A. (1995). "Benthos of Lake Mikri Prespa (North Greece)." Hydrobiologia 304: 185-196.
[CCA, limnology, aquatic invertebrates]

Pienitz, R.;Douglas, M. S. V.;Smol, J. P.;Huttunen, P.;Meriläinen, J. (1995). "Diatom, chrysophyte and protozoan distributions along a latitudinal transect in Fennoscandia." Ecography 18: 429-439.
Merilainen, J. {}
[CCA, limnology, diatoms, chrysophytes, amoebae]

Pienitz, R.;Smol, J. P.;Birks, H. J. B. (1995). "Assessment of freshwater diatoms as quantitative indicators of past climatic change in the Yukon and Northwest Territories, Canada." Journal of Paleolimnology 13: 21-49.
[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, variance partitioning, limnology, diatoms]

Pinel-Alloul, B.;Niyonsenga, T.;Legendre, P. (1995). "Spatial and environmental components of freshwater zooplankton structure." Ecoscience 2: 1-19.
[CCA, partial CCA, spatial constraints, Monte Carlo tests, limnology, zooplankton]

Pysek, P.;Prach, K.;Smilauer, P. (1995). Relating invasion success to plant traits: An analysis of the Czech alien flora. Plant Invasions. General Aspects and Special Problems. Pysek, P.;et al. Amsterdam, SPB: 39-60.
Pysek, P. {}
Smilauer, P. {}
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, vascular plants]

Pysek, P.;Pysek, A. (1995). "Invasion by Heracleum mategazzianum in different habitats in the Czech Republic." Journal of Vegetation Science 6: 711-718.
Pysek, P. {}
Pysek, A. {}
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, vascular plants]

Reavie, E. D.;Hall, R. I.;Smol, J. P. (1995). "An expanded weighted-averaging model for inferring past total phosphorus concentrations from diatom assemblages in eutrophic British Columbia (Canada) lakes." Journal of Paleolimnology 14: 49-67.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, limnology, diatoms]

Reavie, E. D.;Smol, J. P.;Carmichael, N. B. (1995). "Postsettlement eutrophication histories of six British Columbia (Canada) lakes." Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 52: 2388-2401.
[CCA, hybrid analysis, palaeolimnology, diatoms]

Rejmankova, E.;Pope, K.;Pohl, M. D.;Rey-Benayas, J. M. (1995). "Freshwater wetland plant communities of northern Belize: Implications for paleoecological studies of Maya wetland agriculture." Biotropica 27: 28-36.
[CCA, ecology, vascular plants]

Richards, M. B.;Cowling, R. M.;Stock, W. D. (1995). "Fynbos plant communities and vegetation-environment relationships in the Soetanysberg hills, Western Cape." South African Journal of Botany 61: 298-305.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, vascular plants]

Roberts, M. R.;Gilliam, F. S. (1995). "Disturbance effects on herbaceous layer vegetation and soil nutrients in Populus forest of northern lower Michigan." Journal of Vegetation Science 6: 903-912.
[CCA, ecology, ecological impacts, vascular plants]

Rodríguez, M. A.;Magnan, P. (1995). "Application of multivariate analyses in studies of the organization and structure of fish and invertebrate communities." Aquatic Sciences 57: 199-216.
Rodriguez, M. A. {}
[CCA, RDA, partial CCA, spatial constraints, Monte Carlo tests, variance partitioning, limnology, fish, aquatic invertebrates]

Romo, S.;van Tongeren, O. (1995). "Multivariate analysis of phytoplankton and related environmental factors in a shallow hypertrophic lake." Hydrobiologia 299: 93-101.
[RDA, temporal constraints, limnology, phytoplankton]

Ruse, L. P.;Wilson, R. S. (1995). Long-term assessment of water and sediment quality of the River Thames using chironomid pupal skins. Chironomids. From genes to ecosystems. Cranston, P. Victoria, Australia, CSIRO: 113-123.
[CCA, partial CCA, t-value biplots, Monte Carlo tests, limnology, chironomids]

Sanyanga, R. A.;Machena, C.;Kautsky, N. (1995). "Abundance and distribution of inshore fish in fished and protected areas in Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe." Hydrobiologia 306: 67-78.
[DCCA, limnology, ecological impacts, fish]

Såstad, S. M. (1995). "Fungi-vegetation relationships in a Pinus sylvestris forest in central Norway." Canadian Journal of Botany 73: 807-816.
Sastad, S. M. {}
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, mycology, ecology, fungi]

Schaefer, J. A.;Messier, F. (1995). "Scale-dependent correlations of arctic vegetation and snow cover." Arctic and Alpine Research 27: 38-43.
[CCA, ecology, vascular plants]

Schrijvers, J.;van Gansbeke, D.;Vincx, M. (1995). "Macrobenthic infauna of mangroves and surrounding beaches at Gazi Bay, Kenya." Hydrobiologia 306: 53-66.
[CCA, limnology, aquatic invertebrates]

Seffer, J.;Sefferová, E. (1995). "Gradient analysis of tall-forb and tall-grass communities in the High Tatra Mountains." Ekológia (Bratislava) 14: 17-22.
Seffer, J. {}
Sefferova, E. {}
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, vascular plants]

Setälä, H.;Marshall, V. G.;Trofymov, J. A. (1995). "Influence of micro- and macro-habitat factors on collembolan communities in Douglas-fir stumps during forest succession." Applied Soil Ecology 2: 227-242.
Setala, H. {}
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, partial CCA, temporal constraints, ecology, collembola]

Sim-Sim, M.;Rego, F.;de Sousa, J. (1995). "Epiphytic bryophyte communities of Olea europaea in Portugal - a background survey for future evaluation of environmental quality." Cryptogamica Helvetica 18: 25-33.
[DCCA, bryology, ecology, bryophytes]

Skjerdal, G.;Odland, A. (1995). Vegetasjonsutvikling på 15 steintippar i Sør-Noreg. Ei botanisk-økologisk vurdering etter opp til 40 år med suksesjon.
[CCA, ecology, vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]

Smith, M.-L. (1995). "Community and edaphic analysis of upland northern hardwood communities, central Vermont, USA." Forest Ecology and Management 72: 235-249.
[CCA, ecology, vascular plants]

Snoeijs, P. (1995). "Effects of salinity on epiphytic diatom communities on Pilayella littoralis (Phaeophyceae) in the Baltic Sea." Ecoscience 2: 382-394.
[CCA, ecology, algology, diatoms]

Soetaert, K.;Vincx, M.;Wittoeck, J.;Tulkens, M. (1995). "Meiobenthic distribution and nematode community structure in five European estuaries." Hydrobiologia 311: 185-206.
[CCA, ecology, nematodes]

Srivastava, D. S.;Staicer, C. A.;Freedman, B. (1995). "Aquatic vegetation of Nova Scotian lakes differing in acidity and trophic status." Aquatic Botany 51: 181-196.
[CCA, partial CCA, limnology, vascular plants]

Stengele, U. (1995). Einfluss von Exposition, Bodenbeschaffenheit und Vegetation auf die Neubesiedlung durch Laufkäfer in Rekultivierungsgebieten, Universität zu Köln: 104.
[CCA, ecology, beetles]

Stevens, L. E.;Schmidt, J. C.;Ayers, T. J.;Brown, B. T. (1995). "Flow regulation, geomorphology, and Colorado River marsh development in the Grand Canyon, Arizona." Ecological Applications 5: 1025-1039.
[CCA, ecology, vascular plants]

Stevenson, R. J.;White, K. D. (1995). "A comparison of natural and human determinants of phytoplankton communities in the Kentucky River basin, USA." Hydrobiologia 297: 201-216.
[DCCA, limnology, phytoplankton]

Taft, J. B.;Schwartz, M. W.;Loy, R. P. (1995). "Vegetation ecology of flatwoods in the Illinoian till plain." Journal of Vegetation Science 6: 647-666.
[RDA, CCA, ecology, vascular plants]

ter Braak, C. J. F. (1995). Ordination. Data analysis in Community and landscape ecology. Jongman, R. H. G.;ter Braak, C. J. F.;van Tongeren, O. F. R. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press: 91-173.
[CCA, RDA, DCCA, partial CCA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests, response curves and surfaces, theory, methods, ecology, general, vascular plants, bryophytes]

ter Braak, C. J. F.;Verdonschot, P. F. M. (1995). "Canonical correspondence analysis and related multivariate methods in aquatic ecology." Aquatic Sciences 57: 255-289.
[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, DCCA, variance partitioning, ecology, theory, general, methods, aquatic invertebrates]

Toivonen, H.;Huttunen, P. (1995). "Aquatic macrophytes and ecological gradients in 57 small lakes in southern Finland." Aquatic Botany 51: 197-221.
[CCA, limnology, ecology, vascular plants]

Turnbull, D.;Soulsby, C.;Langan, S.;Owen, R.;Hirst, D. (1995). "Macroinvertebrate status in relation to critical loads for freshwaters: A case study from N. E. Scotland." Water, Air and Soil Pollution 85: 2461-2466.
[CCA, limnology, aquatic invertebrates]

Uherèiková, E. (1995). "Application of some ecological indices for characteristics of two types of floodplain forest in inundation zone of Danube." Ekológia (Bratislava) 14: 151-170.
Uhereikova, E. {}
[CCA, ecology, vascular plants]

van Dam, H.;Mertens, A. (1995). "Long-term changes of diatoms and chemistry in headwater streams polluted by atmospheric deposition of sulphur and nitrogen compounds." Freshwater Biology 34: 579-600.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, limnology, ecological impacts, diatoms]

van den Brink, P. J.;van Donk, E.;Gylstra, R.;Crum, S. J. H.;Brock, T. C. M. (1995). "Effects of chronic low concentrations of the pesticides chlorpyrifos and atrazine in indoor freshwater microcosms." Chemosphere 31: 3181-3200.
[RDA, Monte Carlo tests, ecotoxicology, ecological impacts, ecological experiments, zooplankton]

van Tongeren, O. F. R. (1995). "Data analysis or simulation model: a critical evaluation of some methods." Ecological Modelling 78: 51-60.
[RDA, CCA, general, methods, limnology, phytoplankton]

van Wijngaarden, R. P. A.;van den Brink, P. J.;Voshaar, J. H. O.;Leeuwangh, P. (1995). "Ordination techniques for analysing response of biological communities totoxic stress in experimental ecosystems." Ecotoxicology 4: 61-77.
[RDA, Monte Carlo tests, ecotoxicology, ecological experiments, general, methods, aquatic invertebrates]

Vandvik, V. (1995). Mountain summer farms in Røldal, Western Norway- vegetation, soils, and ecology, University of Bergen: 74.
[CCA, DCCA, RDA, partial RDA, partial DCA, Monte Carlo tests, variance partitioning, ecology, vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]

Verdonschot, P. F. M. (1995). "Typology of macrofaunal assemblages: a tool for the management of running waters in The Netherlands." Hydrobiologia 297: 99-122.
[DCCA, classification, limnology, aquatic invertebrates]

Vintasalo, M.;Vuorinen, I.;Saesmaa, S. (1995). "Mesozooplankton dynamics in the northern Baltic Sea: implications of variations in hydrography and climate." Journal of Plankton Research 17: 1857-78.
[CCA, marine biology, ecological dynamics, zooplankton]

Vyverman, W.;Sabbe, K. (1995). "Diatom-temperature transfer functions based on the altitudinal zonation of diatom assemblage in Papua New Guinea: a possible tool in the reconstruction of regional palaeoclimatic changes." Journal of Paleolimnology 13: 65-77.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, partial CCA, limnology, diatoms]

Walker, I. R. (1995). "Distributions of Chironomidae (Insecta:Diptera) and other freshwater midges with respect to treeline, Northwestern Territories, Canada." Arctic and Alpine Research 27: 258-263.
[CCA, RDA, Monte Carlo tests, limnology, chironomids]

Walker, I. R.;Wilson, S. E.;Smol, J. P. (1995). "Chironomidae (Diptera): quantitative palaeosalinity indicators for lakes of western Canada." Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52: 950-960.
[CCA, DCCA, Monte Carlo tests, limnology, chironomids]

Wardle, D. A.;Yeates, G. W.;Watson, R. N.;Nicholson, K. S. (1995). "Development of the decomposer food-web, trophic relationships, and ecosystem properties during a three-year primary succession in sawdust." Oikos 73: 155-166.
[DCCA, ecology, ecological dynamics, nematodes, bacteria, fungi, mites]

Wheeler, B. D.;Shaw, S. C. (1995). A focus on fens - Controls on composition of fen vegetation in relation to restoration. Restoration of Temperate Wetlands. Wheeler, B. D.;Shaw, S. C.;Fojt, W. J.;Roberston, R. A. Chichester, Wiley & Sons: 49-72.
[CCA, ecology, mire ecology, vegetation types]

Wolfe, J. A. (1995). "Paleoclimatic estimates from Tertiary leaf assemblages." Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 23: 119-142.
[CCA, calibration, palaeobotany, vascular plants, fossil plants]

Wunsam, S.;Schmidt, R.;Klee, R. (1995). "Cyclotella -taxa ( Bacillariophyceae) in lakes of the Alpine region and their relationships to environmental variables." Aquatic Sciences 57: 360-386.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, limnology, diatoms]

Wunsam, S.;Schmidt, R. (1995). "A diatom-phosphorus transfer function for Alpine and pre-alpine lakes." Memorie Dell'Instituto Italiano di Idrobiologia 53: 85-99.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, limnology, palaeolimnology, diatoms]

Zeeb, B. A.;Smol, J. P. (1995). "A weighted-averaging regression and calibration model for inferring lakewater salinity using chrysophycean stomatocysts from lakes in western Canada." International Journal of Salt Lake Research 4: 1-23.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, limnology, chrysophytes]

Zogg, G. P.;Barnes, B. V. (1995). "Ecological classification and analysis of wetland ecosystems, northern Lower Michigan, USA." Canadian Journal of Forest Research 25: 1865-1875.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, vascular plants]

Anderson, D. S.;Davis, R. B.;Rooney, S. C.;Campbell, C. S. (1996). "The ecology of sedges (Cyperaceae) in Maine peatlands." Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 123: 100-110.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, mire ecology, vascular plants]

Anderson, N. J.;Odgaard, B. V.;Segeström, U.;Renberg, I. (1996). "Climate-lake interactions recorded in varved sediments from a Swedish boreal forest lake." Global Change Biology 2: 399-405.
Segestrom, U. {}
[RDA, CCA, partial DCA, partial RDA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, palaeolimnology, diatoms, pollen]

Baar, J. (1996). "The ectomycorrhizal flora of primary and secondary stands of Pinus sylvestris in relation to soil conditions and ectomycorrhizal succession." Journal of Vegetation Science 7: 497-504.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, mycology, fungi]

Baar, J.;ter Braak, C. J. F. (1996). "Ectomycorrhizal sporocarp ocurrence as affected by manipulation of litter and humus layers in Scots pine stands of different age." Applied Soil Ecology 4: 61-73.
[RDA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests, t-value biplots, regression biplot, field experiments, mycology, fungi]

Bertoli, G. C. (1996). "Aquatic vegetation of the Orinoco River Delta (Venzuela). An overview." Hydrobiologia 340: 109-113.
[CCA, ecology, vascular plants]

Birks, H. J. B.;Peglar, S. M.;Austin, H. A. (1996). "An annotated bibliography of canonical correspondence analysis and related constrained ordination methods 1986-1993." Abstracta Botanica 20: 17-36.
[bibliography, general, methods, theory]

Bisang, I. (1996). "Quantitative analysis of the diaspore banks of bryophytes and ferns in cultivated fields in Switzerland." Lindbergia 21: 9-20.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, bryology, ecology, bryophytes, ferns]

Björck, S.;Olsson, S.;Ellis-Evans, C.;Håkansson, H.;Humlum, O.;de Liriro, J. M. (1996). "Late Holocene palaeoclimatic records from lake sediments on James Ross Islands, Antarctica." Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 121: 195-220.
Bjorck, S. {}
Hakansson, H. {}
[RDA, palaeolimnology, palaeoecology, diatoms]

Blair, R. B. (1996). "Land use and avian species diversity along an urban gradient." Ecological Applications 6: 506-519.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, ornithology, birds]

Blair, R. B.;Launer, A. E. (1996). "Butterfly diversity and human land use: species assemblages along an urban gradient." Biological Conservation 80: 113-125.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, butterflies]

Bootsma, M. C.;Wasen, M. J. (1996). "Environmental conditions and fen vegetation in three lowland mires." Vegetatio 127: 173-189.
[CCA, Gaussian logit regression, mire ecology, vascular plants]

Bos, D. G.;Cumming, B. F.;Watters, C. E.;Smol, J. P. (1996). "The relationship between zooplankton, conductivity and lake-water ionic composition in 111 lakes from the Interior Plateau of British Columbia, Canada." International Journal of Salt Lake Research 5: 1-15.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, Gaussian logit regression, calibration, limnology, zooplankton]

Buttler, A.;Warner, B. G.;Grosverner, P.;Matthey, Y. (1996). "Vertical patterns of testate amoebae (Protozoa:Rhizopoda) and peat-forming vegetation on cutover bogs in the Jura, Switzerland." New Phytologist 134: 371-382.
[CCA, RDA, Monte Carlo tests, variance partitioning, partial CCA, mire ecology, amoebae]

Carleton, T. J.;Maycock, P. F.;Arnup, R.;Gordon, A. M. (1996). "In situ regeneration of Pinus strobus and P. resinosa in the Great Lakes forest communities of Canada." Journal of Vegetation Science 7: 431-444.
[CCA, COINSPAN, ecology, ecological dynamics, vascular plants]

Carleton, T. J.;Stitt, R. H.;Nieppola, J. (1996). "Constrained indicator species analysis (COINSPAN) ­ an extension of TWINSPAN." Journal of Vegetation Science 7: 125-130.
[COINSPAN, CCA, theory, methods, ecology, vascular plants, bryophytes]

Coimbra, C. N.;Graça;Cortes, R. M. (1996). "The effects of a basic effluent on macroinvertebrate community structure in a temporary Mediterranean river." Environmental Pollution 94: 301-307.
Graca {}
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, limnology, ecological impacts, aquatic invertebrates]

Davis, M. M.;Sprecher, S. W.;Wakeley, J. S.;Best, G. R. (1996). "Environmental gradients and identification of wetlands in north-central Florida." Wetlands 16: 512-523.
[CCA, ecology, mire ecology, vascular plants]

de Mars, H.;Wassen, M. J.;Peeters, W. H. M. (1996). "The effect of drainage and management on peat chemistry and nutrient deficiency in the former Jegrznia-floodplain (NE-Poland)." Vegetatio 126: 59-72.
[RDA, mire ecology, ecology, vegetation types]

Desender, K. R. C. (1996). "Diversity and dynamics of coastal dune carabids." Annales Zoologici Fennici 33: 65-75.
[DCCA, ecology, beetles]

Dolédec, S.;Chessel, D.;ter Braak, C. J. F.;Champely, S. (1996). "Matching species traits to environmental variables: a new three-table ordination method." Environmental and Ecological Statistics 3: 143-166.
Doledec, S. {}
[Three-way CA, Monte Carlo tests, theory, methods, birds]

El-Demerdash, M. A. (1996). "The vegetation of the Farasan Islands, Red Sea, Saudi Arabia." Journal of Vegetation Science 7: 81-88.
[CCA, ecology, vascular plants]

Escudero, A. (1996). "Community patterns on exposed cliffs in a Mediterranean calcareous mountain." Vegetatio 125: 99-110.
[CCA, hybrid analysis, ecology, vascular plants]

Facher, E.;Schmidt, R. (1996). "A siliceous chrysophycean cyst-based pH transfer function for Central European lakes." Journal of Paleolimnology 16: 275-321.
[CCA, calibration, limnology, chrysophytes]

Ferry, B. W.;Lodge, E. (1996). "Distribution and succession of lichens associated with Prunus spinosa at Dungeness, England." Lichenologist 28: 129-143.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, lichenology, lichens]

Forbes, B. C. (1996). "Plant communities of archaeological sites, abandoned dwellings, and trampled tundra in the eastern Canadian arctic: a multivariate analysis." Arctic 49: 141-154.
[CCA, ecology, ecological dynamics, vascular plants, bryophytes]

Frenzel, S. A.;Swanson, R. B. (1996). "Relations of fish community composition to environmental variables in streams of Central Nebraska, USA." Environmental Management 20: 689-705.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, limnology, fish]

Friedman, J. M.;Osterkamp, W. R.;Lewis, W. M. J. (1996). "Channel narrowing and vegetation development following a Great Plains flood." Ecology 77: 2167-2181.
[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, ecological dynamics, vascular plants]

Fuselier, L.;Edds, D. (1996). "Seasonal variation of riffle and pool fish assemblages in a short mitigated stream reach." The Southwestern Naturalist 41: 299-306.
[CCA, limnology, fish]

Gaillard, M.-J.;Birks, H. J. B.;Karlsson, S.;Lagerås, P. (1996). Quantitative reconstruction of past land-use and soil conditions using the modern analogue approach - a case study in south Sweden. Landscapes and Life. Studies in honour of Urve Miller. Robertsson, A. M.;Hicks, S.;Åkerlund, A.;Risberg, J.;Hakens, T. 50: 431-442.
Lageras, P. {}
A. Akerlund {}
[CCA, calibration, palaeoecology, pollen]

Gégout, J. C.;Houllier, F. (1996). "Canonical correspondence analysis for forest site classification. A case study." Annales des Sciences Forestieres 53: 981-990.
Gegout, J. C. {}
[CCA, ecology, vascular plants, bryophytes]

Gonzáles-Mancebo, J. M.;Hernández-García, C. D. (1996). "Bryophyte life strategies along an altitudal gradient in El Canal y los Tiles (La Palma, Canary Islands)." Journal of Bryology 19: 243-255.
Gonzales-Mancebo, J. M. {}
Hernandez-Garcia, C. D. {}
[CCA, bryology, ecology, bryophytes]

Gonzáles-Mancebo, J. M.;Hernández-García, C. D. (1996). "Distribution and morphological variations of Scleropodium touretii (brid. ) L. Koch along an altitudinal gradient in El Canal y los Tiles, La Palma (Canary Islands)." Cryptogamie, Bryologie, Lichénologie 17: 295-304.
Gonzales-Mancebo, J. M. {}
Hernandez-Garcia, C. D. {}
[CCA, morphology, bryology, bryophytes]

Groom, P. K.;Lamont, B. B. (1996). "Ecogeographical analysis of Hakea (Proteaceae) in South-western Australia, with special reference to leaf morphology and life form." Australian Journal of Botany 44: 527-542.
[CCA, ecology, morphology, vascular plants]

Grytnes, J.-A. (1996). Species richness relationships to biomass, soil, and environmental heterogeneity at a fine scale in different alpine communities on the Hardangervidda, western Norway. Botanical Institute, University of Bergen: 79.
[CCA, ecology, vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]

Gurnell, J. (1996). "The effects of food availability and winter weather on the dynamics of a grey squirrel population in southern England." Journal of Applied Ecology 33: 325-338.
[RDA, ecology, mammals]

Hall, R. I.;Smol, J. P. (1996). "Paleolimnological assessment of long-term water-quality changes in south-central Ontario lakes affected by cottage development and acidification." Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53: 1-17.
[CCA, calibration, palaeolimnology, diatoms]

Haraughty, S. J.;Burks, S. L. (1996). "Nutrient limitation in Lake Tenkiller, Oklahoma." Journal of Freshwater Ecology 11: 91-100.
[CCA, field experiments, limnology, phytoplankton]

Hayward, B. W.;Grenfell, H.;Cairns, G.;Smith, A. (1996). "Environmental controls on benthic foraminiferal and thecamoebian associations in a New Zealand tidal inlet." Journal of Foraminiferal Research 26: 150-171.
[CCA, marine biology, ecology, foraminifera]

Heegaard, E. (1996). Niche relationships of Andreaea in western Norway: a quantitative analysis. Botanical Institute, University of Bergen: 142.
[CCA, response curves, Monte Carlo tests, bryology, bryophytes]

Heikkinen, R. K. (1996). "Predicting patterns of vascular plant species richness with composite variables: a meso-scale study in Finnish Lapland." Vegetatio 126: 151-165.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, biogeography, vascular plants]

Heikkinen, R. K.;Birks, H. J. B. (1996). "Spatial and environmental components of variation in the distribution patterns of subarctic plant species at Kevo, N Finland - a case study at the meso-scale level." Ecography 19: 341-351.
[CCA, partial CCA, partial CA, spatial constraints, variance partitioning, biogeography, ecology, vascular plants]

Herman, A. B.;A., S. R. (1996). "Palaeobotanical evidence for a warm Cretaceous Arctic Ocean." Nature 380: 330-333.
[CCA, morphology, palaeobotany, vascular plants]

Hicks, S.;Birks, H. J. B. (1996). "Numerical analysis of modern and fossil pollen spectra as a tool for elucidating the nature of fine-scale human activities in boreal areas." Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 5: 257-272.
[RDA, t-value biplots, palaeoecology, pollen]

Hill, T. R. (1996). "Description, classification and ordination of the dominant vegetation communities, Cathedral Peak, KwaZulu-Natal Drakensberg." South African Journal of Botany 62: 263-269.
[CCA, ecology, vascular plants]

Høiland, K.;Bendiksen, E. (1996). "Biodiversity of wood-inhabiting fungi in a boreal coniferous forest in Sør-Trøndelag County, Central Norway." Nordic Journal of Botany 16: 643-659.
Hoiland, K. {}
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, variance partitioning, spatial constraints, ecology, mycology, fungi]

Holien, H. (1996). "Influence of site and stand factors on the distribution of crustose lichens of the Caliciales in a suboceanic spruce forest area in central Norway." Lichenologist 28: 315-330.
[CCA, ecology, lichenology, lichens]

Hudon, C.;Paquet, S.;Jarry, V. (1996). "Downstream variations of phytoplankton in the St. Lawrence River (Québec, Canada)." Hydrobiologia 337: 11-26.
[CCA, limnology, phytoplankton]

Huhta, A.-P. (1996). "Vegetation changes in semi-natural meadows after abandonment in coastal northern Finland." Nordic Journal of Botany 16: 457-472.
[CCA, ecology, ecological impacts, vascular plants]

Jeppesen, E.;Madsen, E. A.;Jensen, J. P.;Anderson, N. J. (1996). "Reconstructing the past density of planktivorous fish and trophic structure from sedimentary zooplankton fossils: a surface sediment calibration data set from shallow lakes." Freshwater Biology 36: 115-127.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration, limnology, zooplankton]

Jiang, H. (1996). "Diatoms from the surface sediments of the Skagerrak and the Kattegat and their relationship to the spatial changes of environmental variables." Journal of Biogeography 23: 129-137.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, marine biology, diatoms]

Jobbágy, E. G.;Paruelo, J. M.;Léon, R. J. C. (1996). "Vegetation heterogeneity and diversity in flat and mountain landscapes of Patagonia (Argentina)." Journal of Vegetation Science 7: 599-608.
Jobbagy, E. G. {}
Leon, R. J. C. {}
[CCA, ecology, vascular plants]

Johnson, J. B. (1996). "Phytosociology and gradient analysis of a subalpine treed fen in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado." Canadian Journal of Botany 74: 1203-1218.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, mire ecology, vascular plants]

Jose, S.;Gillespie, A. R.;George, S. J.;Kumar, B. M. (1996). "Vegetation responses along edge-to interior gradients in a high altitude tropical forest in peninsular India." Forest Ecology and Management 87: 51-62.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, vascular plants]

Joshi, J.;Matthies, D. (1996). "Effects of mowing and fertilization on succession in an old-field plant community." Bulletin of the Geobotanical Institute ETH 62: 13-26.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, field experiments, ecology, ecological dynamics, vascular plants]

Juggins, S.;Flower, R. J.;Battarbee, R. W. (1996). "Palaeolimnological evidence for recent chemical and biological changes in UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network sites." Freshwater Biology 36: 203-219.
[DCCA, CCA, RDA, Monte Carlo tests, temporal constraints, limnology, palaeolimnology, monitoring, diatoms, chemical elements]

Jullien, M.;Thiollay, J.-M. (1996). "Effects of rain forest disturbance and fragmentation: comparative changes of the raptor community along natural and human-made gradients in French Guiana." Journal of Biogeography 23: 7-25.
[CCA, ecological impacts, ecology, conservation, birds]

Kent, M.;Weaver, R.;Gilbertson, D.;Wathern, P.;Brayshay, B. (1996). The present-day machair vegetation of the southern Outer Hebrides. The Outer Hebrides The Last 14,000 Years. Gilbertson, D.;Kent, M.;Grattan, J., Sheffield Academic Press: 133-145.
[CCA, ecology, vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]

Kirkham, F. W.;Mountford, J. O.;Wilkins, R. J. (1996). "The effects of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus addition on the vegetation of a Somerset peat moor under cutting management." Journal of Applied Ecology 33: 1013-1029.
[CCA, field experiments, ecology, ecological impacts, vascular plants]

Korsman, T.;Birks, H. J. B. (1996). "Diatom-based water chemistry reconstructions from northern Sweden: a comparison of reconstruction techniques." Journal of Paleolimnology 15: 65-77.
[DCCA, partial CCA, CCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration, limnology, diatoms]

Kovach, W. L.;Spicer, R. A. (1996). "Canonical correspondence analysis of leaf physiognomy: A contribution to the development of a new palaeoclimatological tool." Palaeoclimates 1: 125-138.
[CCA, calibration, morphology, palaeobotany, vascular plants]

Lancaster, J.;Real, M.;Juggins, S.;Monteith, D. T.;Flower, R. J.;Beaumont, W. R. C. (1996). "Monitoring temporal changes in the biology of acid waters." Freshwater Biology 36: 179-201.
[DCCA, RDA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests, temporal constraints, limnology, monitoring, diatoms, aquatic invertebrates, fish]

Larsen, J.;Birks, H. J. B.;Raddum, G. G.;Fjellheim, A. (1996). "Quantitative relationships of invertebrates to pH in Norwegian river systems." Hydrobiologia 328: 57-64.
[CCA, DCCA, Monte Carlo tests, partial DCCA, Gaussian logit regression, response curves, limnology, aquatic invertebrates]

Larsen, J.;Boyle, J. F.;Birks, H. J. B. (1996). "Variation in the geochemistry of recent lake sediments along a west-east pollution gradient in the Bergen area, Norway." Water, Air and Soil Pollution 88: 47-81.
[RDA, limnology, ecological impacts, chemical elements]

Li, D.-W.;Kendrick, B. (1996). "Functional and causal relationships between indoor and outdoor airborne fungi." Canadian Journal of Botany 74: 194-209.
[RDA, Monte Carlo tests, mycology, fungi]

Lonergan, S. P.;Rasmussen, J. B. (1996). "A multi-taxonomic indicator of acidification: isolating the effects of pH from other water-chemistry variables." Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53: 1778-1787.
[CCA, spatial constraints, limnology, aquatic invertebrates]

Luff, M. L. (1996). "Use of Carabids as environmental indicators in grasslands and cereals." Annales Zoologici Fennici 33: 185-195.
[CCA, ecology, ecological impacts, beetles]

Lyons, J. (1996). "Patterns in the species composition of fish assemblages among Wisconsin streams." Environmental Biology of Fishes 45: 329-341.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, limnology, fish]

Malmqvist, B.;Englund, G. (1996). "Effects of hydropower-induced perturbations on mayfly (Ephemeroptera) richness and abundance in north Swedish river rapids." Hydrobiologia 341: 145-158.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, limnology, mayflies]

McCloskey, M.;Firnbank, L. G.;Watkinson, A. R.;Webb, D. J. (1996). "The dynamics of experimental arable weed communities under different management practices." Journal of Vegetation Science 7: 799-808.
[CCA, ecology, field experiments, vascular plants]

McDonald, D. J.;Cowling, R. M.;Boucher, C. (1996). "Vegetation-environment relationships on a species-rich coastal mountain range in the fynbos biome (South Africa)." Vegetatio 123: 165-182.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, vascular plants]

Michelsen, A.;Lisanework, N.;Friis, I.;Holst, N. (1996). "Comparison of understorey vegetation and soil fertility in plantations and adjacent natural forests in the Ethiopian highlands." Journal of Applied Ecology 33: 627-642.
[CCA, RDA, partial CCA, partial RDA, ecology, ecological impacts, vascular plants]

Mihuc, T. B.;Minshall, G. W.;Mihuc, J. R. (1996). "Species-environment relationships among filter-feeding caddisflies (Trichoptera:Hydropsychidae) in Rocky Mountains streams." Great Basin Naturalist 56: 287-293.
[CCA, limnology, caddis flies]

Monti, D.;Legendre, L.;Therriault, J.-C.;Demers, S. (1996). "Horizontal distribution of sea-ice microalgae: environmental control and spatial processes (southeastern Hudson Bay, Canada)." Marine Ecology Progress Series 133: 229-240.
[CCA, partial CCA, variance partitioning, spatial constraints, marine biology, algae]

Morrison, D. A.;Buckney, R. T.;Bewick, B. J.;Cary, G. J. (1996). "Conservation conflicts over burning bush in south-eastern Australia." Biological Conservation 76: 167-175.
[RDA, partial PCA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, conservation, management, vascular plants]

Moustafa, A. E.-R. A.;Zayed, A. (1996). "Effect of environmental factors on the flora of alluvial fans in southern Sinai." Journal of Arid Environments 32: 431-443.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, vascular plants]

Moustafa, A. E.-R. A.;Zaghloul, M. S. (1996). "Environment and vegetation in the montane Saint Catherine area, south Sinai, Egypt." Journal of Arid Environments 34: 331-349.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, vascular plants]

Naranjo, S. A.;Carballo, J. L.;García-Gómez, J. C. (1996). "Effects of environmental stress on ascidian populations in Algericas Bay (southern Spain). Possible marine bioindicators?" Marine Ecology Progress Series 144: 119-131.
Garcia-Gomez, J. C. {}
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, marine biology, ascidians]

Natuhara, Y.;Imai, C. (1996). "Spatial structure of avifauna along urban-rural gradients." Ecological Research 11: 1-9.
[CCA, ecology, ornithology, birds]

Nicholson, B. J.;Gignac, L. D.;Bayley, S. E. (1996). "Peatland distribution along a north-south transect in the Mackenzie River Basin in relation to climatic and environmental gradients." Vegetatio 126: 119-133.
[DCCA, mire ecology, ecology, bryophytes]

Odasz, A. M. (1996). "Bryophyte vegetation and habitat gradients in the Tikhaia Bay region, Hooker Island, Franz Josef Land, Arctic Russia." The Bryologist 99: 407-415.
[CCA, ecology, bryology, bryophytes]

Økland, R. H. (1996). "Are ordination and constrained ordination alternative or complementary strategies in general ecological studies?" Journal of Vegetation Science 7: 289-292.
Okland, R. H. {}
[CCA, partial CCA, general, methods]

Økland, R. H.;Eilertsen, O. (1996). "Dynamics of understorey vegetation in an old-growth boreal coniferous forest, 1988-1993." Journal of Vegetation Science 7: 747-762.
Okland, R. H. {}
[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, variance partitioning, ecology, ecological dynamics, vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]

Økland, T. (1996). Vegetation-environment relationships of boreal spruce forests in ten monitoring reference areas in Norway.
Okland, T. {}
[CCA, partial CCA, variance partitioning, DCCA, ecology, monitoring, vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]

Palik, B. J.;Pederson, N. (1996). "Overstorey mortality and canopy disturbances in longleaf pine ecosystems." Canadian Journal of Forest Research 26: 2035-2047.
[RDA, ecology, ecological dynamics, vascular plants]

Palmer, C. G.;Maart, B.;Palmer, A. R.;O'Keefe, J. H. (1996). "An assessment of macroinvertebrate functional feeding groups as water quality indicators in the Buffalo River, Easter Cape Province, South Africa." Hydrobiologia 318: 153-164.
[CCA, limnology, aquatic invertebrates]

Pan, Y.;Stevenson, R. J. (1996). "Gradient analysis of diatom assemblages in western Kentucky wetlands." Journal of Phycology 32: 222-232.
[CCA, calibration, limnology, diatoms]

Pan, Y.;Stevenson, R. J.;Hill, H. H.;Herlihy, A. T.;Collins, G. B. (1996). "Using diatoms as indicators of ecological conditions in lotic systems: a regional assessment." Journal of the North American Benthological Society 15: 481-495.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration, limnology, diatoms]

Pardoe, H. S. (1996). "Micro-scale patterns of modern pollen deposition within three alpine plant communities." New Phytologist 132: 327-341.
[CCA, palynology, pollen]

Piernik, A.;Kazmierczak, E.;Rytkowski, L. (1996). "Differentiation of vegetation in a saline grassland in the vicinity of Inowroclaw soda plants at Matwy." Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 65: 349-356.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, vascular plants]

Pinel-Alloul, B.;Méthot, G.;Lapierre, L.;Willsie, A. (1996). "Macroinvertebrate community as a biological indicator of ecological and toxicological factors in Lake Saint-Fran(ois (Québec)." Environmental Pollution 91: 65-87.
Methot, G. {}
[CCA, partial CCA, variance partitioning, Monte Carlo tests, limnology, monitoring, ecotoxicology, aquatic invertebrates]

Pollet, M.;Grootaert, P. (1996). "An estimation of the natural value of dune habitats using Empidoidea (Diptera)." Biodiversity and Conservation 5: 859-880.
[CCA, ecology, management, flies]

Potapova, M. (1996). "Epilithic algal communiities in rivers of the Kolyma Mountains, NE Siberia, Russia." Nova Hedwigia 63: 309-334.
[CCA, limnology, algae, diatoms]

Puntiila, P.;Haila, Y.;Tukia, H. (1996). "Ant communities in taiga clearcuts: habitat effects and species interactions." Ecography 19: 16-28.
[RDA, ecology, ecological impacts, ants]

Rakocinsky, C. F.;Lyczkowski-Schultz, J.;Richardson, S. L. (1996). "Ichthyoplankton assemblage structure in Mississippi Sound as revealed by canonical correspondence analysis." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 43: 237-257.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, marine biology, zooplankton]

Richards, C.;Johnson, L. B.;Host, G. E. (1996). "Landscape-scale influences on stream habitats and biota." Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53 (suppl. 1): 295-311.
[RDA, partial RDA, variance partitioning, Monte Carlo tests, landscape ecology, limnology, aquatic invertebrates]

Roberts, D.;McMinn, A. (1996). "Relationships between surface sediment diatom assemblages and water chemistry gradients in saline lakes of the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica." Antarctic Science 8: 331-341.
[CCA, limnology, diatoms]

Romo, S.;van Donk, E.;Gylstra, R.;Gulatis, R. (1996). "A multivariate analysis of phytoplankton and food web changes in a shallow biomanipulated lake." Freshwater Biology 36: 683-696.
[CCA, limnology, field experiments, phytoplankton, zooplankton]

Rosef, L. (1996). Åpen eng og beitemark i drift, Voss kommune, Hordaland-vegetasjon og økologi. Botanical Institute, University of Bergen: 69.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, variance partitioning, ecology, vascular plants, bryophytes]

Ruse, L. P. (1996). "Multivariate techniques relationg macroinvertebrate and environmental data from a river catchment." Water Research 30: 3017-3024.
[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, limnology, aquatic invertebrates]

Ruse, L. P.;Hutchings, A. J. (1996). "Phytoplantkon composition of the River Thames in relation to certain environmental variables." Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Supplement 113: 189-201.
[CCA, partial CCA, response curves, variance partitioning, t-value biplots, limnology, phytoplankton]

Rydgren, K. (1996). "Vegetation-environment relationships of old-growth spruce forest vegetation in Østmarka Nature Reserve, SE Norway, and comparison of three ordination methods." Nordic Journal of Botany 16: 421-439.
[CCA, partial CCA, variance partitioning, Monte Carlo tests, spatial constraints, ecology, vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]

Sabbatini, M. R.;Murphy, K. J. (1996). "Submerged plant survival strategies in relation to management and environmental pressures in drainage channel habitats." Hydrobiologia 340: 191-195.
[CCA, ecology, limnology, vascular plants]

Samways, M. J.;Steytler, N. S. (1996). "Dragonfly (Odonata) distribution patterns in urban and forest landscapes, and recommendations for riparian management." Biological Conservation 78: 279-288.
[CCA, management ecology, dragonflies]

Schaeffer, J. A.;Stevens, S. D.;Messier, F. (1996). "Comparative winter habitat use and associations among herbivores in the High Arctic." Arctic 49: 387-391.
[CCA, ecology, vascular plants, mammals]

Scheu, S.;Poser, G. (1996). "The soil macrofauna (Diplopoda, Isopoda, Lumbricidae and Chilopoda) near tree trunks in a beechwood on limestone: indications for stemflow induced changes in community structure." Applied Soil Ecology 3: 115-125.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, earthworms, soil macrofauna, isopods, centipedes, diplopods]

Schnell, Ø. A.;Willassen, E. (1996). "The chironomid (Diptera) communities in two sediment cores from Store Hovvatn, S. Norway, an acidified lake." Annals of Limnology 32: 45-61.
Schnell, O. A. {}
[RDA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests, temporal constraints, palaeolimnology, chironomids, heavy metals]

Smallidge, P. J.;Leopold, D. J.;Allen, C. M. (1996). "Community characteristics and vegetation management of Karner blue butterfly ( Lycaeides melissa samuelis ) habitats on rights-of-way in east-central New York, USA." Journal of Applied Ecology 33: 1406-1419.
[CCA, ecology, management, butterflies]

Smith, R. D. (1996). "Composition, structure, and distribution of woody vegetation on the Cache River floodplain, Arkansas." Wetlands 16: 264-278.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, vascular plants]

Spitzer, K.;Jaros;J. Havelka, J.;Leps, J. (1996). "Effect of small-scale disturbance on butterfly communities of an Indochinese montane rainforest." Biological Conservation 80: 9-15.
Jaros, {}
Leps, J. {}
[CCA, RDA, partial CCA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, ecological impacts, butterflies]

Stevenson, A. C.;Rhodes, A. N.;Kirkpatrick, A. H.;MacDonald, A. J. (1996). The determination of fire histories and an assessment of their effects on moorland soils and vegetation.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, ecological impacts, vascular plants, bryophytes, soils]

Streever, W. J.;Portier, K. M.;Chrisman, T. L. (1996). "A comparison of dipterans from ten created and ten natural wetlands." Wetlands 16: 416-428.
[CCA, ecology, limnology, flies]

Stromberg, M. R.;Griffin, J. R. (1996). "Long-term patterns in coastal California grasslands in relation to cultivation, gophers, and grazing." Ecological Applications 6: 1189-1211.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, ecological impacts, vascular plants]

Tárrega, R.;Luis-Calabug, E.;Marcos, E. (1996). "Relationships between soil changes and plant succession in postfire regeneration of Quercus pyrenaica ecosystems." Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation 10: 85-93.
Tarrega, R. {}
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, ecological impacts, ecological dynamics, vascular plants]

ter Braak, C. J. F. (1996). Unimodal models to relate species to environment. Wageningen, Agricultural Mathematics Group.
[CCA, partial CCA, partial RDA, DCCA, Monte Carlo tests, Gaussian logit regression, response curves and surfaces, t-value biplots, variance partitioning, theory, methods, ecology, ecological dynamics, limnology, management, spiders, vascular plants, algae, aquatic invertebrates]

ter Braak, C. J. F.;van Dobben, H.;di Bella, G. (1996). On inferring past environmental change from species composition data by nonlinear reduced-rank models. XVIIIth International Biometric Conference, July 1-5, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Invited papers: 65-70.
[RDA, CCA, temporal constraints, spatial constraints, calibration, theory]

Totland, Ø.;Birks, H. J. B. (1996). "Factors influencing inter-population variation in Ranunculus acris seed production in an alpine area of southwestern Norway." Ecography 19: 269-278.
Totland, O. {}
[RDA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, pollination biology, population biology, vascular plants]

Tsuyuzaki, S.;Kanda, F. (1996). "Revegetation patterns and seedbank structure on abandoned pastures in northern Japan." American Journal of Botany 83: 1422-1428.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, ecological dynamics, vascular plants, seeds]

Undi, M.;Wittenberg, K. M.;Holliday, N. J. (1996). "Occurrence of fungal species in stored alfalfa forage as influenced by moisture content at baling and temperature during storage." Canadian Journal of Animal Science 77: 95-103.
[CCA, mycology, fungi]

van Dam, H. (1996). "Partial recovery of moorland pools from acidification: indications by chemistry and diatoms." Netherlands Journal of Aquatic Ecology 30: 203-218.
[RDA, Monte Carlo tests, limnology, ecology, ecological impacts, diatoms]

van de Rijt, C. W. C. J.;Hazelhoff, L.;Blom, C. W. P. M. (1996). "Vegetation zonation in a former tidal area: A vegetation-type response model based on DCA and logistic regression using GIS." Journal of Vegetation Science 7: 505-518.
[CCA, response curves, Gaussian logit regression, ecology, vascular plants]

van der Maarel, E. (1996). "Vegetation dynamics and dynamic vegetation science." Acta Botanica Neerlandica 45: 421-442.
[CCA, ecology, ecological dynamics, methods, vascular plants]

van de Vijver, B.;Beyens, L. (1996). "Freshwater diatom communities of the Strømness Bay area, South Georgia." Antarctic Science 8: 359-369.
[CCA, limnology, diatoms]

van den Boom, P. P. G.;Aptroot, A.;van Herk, C. M. (1996). "The lichen flora of megalithic monuments in the Netherlands." Nova Hedwigia 62: 91-104.
[RDA, ecology, lichenology, ecological impacts, lichens]

van den Brink, P. J.;van Winjgaarden, R. P. A.;Lucassen, W. G. H.;Brock, T. C. M.;Leeuwangh, P. (1996). "Effects of the insecticide Dursban( 4E (active ingredient chlorpyrifos) in outdoor experimental ditches: II. Invertebrate community responses and recovery." Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 15: 1143-1153.
[RDA, Monte Carlo tests, field experiments, ecotoxicology, aquatic invertebrates]

van Dobben, H. F.;de Bakker, A. J. (1996). "Re-mapping epiphytic lichen biodiversity in The Netherlands: effects of decreasing SO2 and increasing NH3." Acta Botanica Neerlandica 45: 55-71.
[RDA, Monte Carlo tests, t-value biplots, spatial constraints, ecology, ecological impacts, lichens]

van Groenendael, J. M.;Roepers, R. G.;Woltjer, I.;Zweers, H. R. (1996). "Vegetation succession in lakes of West Connemara, Ireland: comparing predicted and actual changes." Journal of Vegetation Science 7: 211-218.
[CCA, ecology, ecological dynamics, vascular plants]

Velázquez, A.;Heil, G. W. (1996). "Habitat suitability study for the conservation of the volcani rabbit ( Romerolagus diazi )." Journal of Applied Ecology 33: 543-554.
Velazquez, A. {}
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, vascular plants, mammals]

Verdonschot, P. F. M. (1996). "Oligochaetes and eutrophication; an experiment over four years in outdoor mesocosms." Hydrobiologia 334: 169-183.
[RDA, Monte Carlo tests, field experiments, limnology, oligochaetes]

Vinebrooke, R. D. (1996). "Abiotic and biotic regulation of periphyton in recovering acidified lakes." Journal of the North American Benthological Society 15: 318-331.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, algology, limnology, field experiments, phytoplankton]

Vuori, K.-M.;Parkko, M. (1996). "Assessing pollution of the river Kymijoki via hydropsychid caddis flies: population age structure, microdistribution and gill abnormalities in the Cheumatopsyche lepida and Hydropsyche pellucidula larvae." Archiv für Hydrobiologie 136: 171-190.
[CCA, limnology, ecological impacts, caddis flies]

Vyverman, W.;Vyverman, R.;Rajendram, V. S.;Tyler, P. (1996). "Distribution of benthic diatom assemblages in Tasmanian highland lakes and their possible use as indicators of environmental changes." Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53: 493-508.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration, partial CCA, limnology, diatoms]

Wagner, R.;Gathmann, O. (1996). "Long-term studies on aquatic Dance flies ( Diptera, Empididae ) 1983-1993: Distribution and size patterns along the stream, abundance changes between years and the influence of environmental factors on the community." Archiv für Hydrobiologie 137: 385-410.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, response curves, ecology, limnology, flies]

Wakeley, J. S.;Roberts, T. H. (1996). "Bird distributions and forest zonation in a bottomland hardwood wetland." Wetlands 16: 296-308.
[CCA, ecology, ornithology, birds]

Warrington, S.;Knaggs, D.;Smith, A. (1996). "Methods for determining species-habitat relationships, illustrated with fieldwork on freshwater macroinvertebrates in an upland catchment." Journal of Biological Education 30: 257-264.
[CCA, limnology, ecology, aquatic invertebrates]

Watt, T. A.;Treweek, J. R.;Woolmer, F. S. (1996). "An experimental study of the impact of seasonal sheep grazing on formerly fertilized grassland." Journal of Vegetation Science 7: 535-542.
[CCA, temporal constraints, spatial constraints, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, ecological impacts, field experiments, vascular plants]

Weaver, R.;Kent, M.;Gilbertson, D.;Wathern, P.;Brayshay, B. (1996). The acidic and upland vegetations of the southern Outer Hebrides. The Outer Hebrides The Last 14,000 Years. Gilbertson, D.;Kent, M.;Grattan, J., Sheffield Academic Press: 147-162.
[CCA, ecology, vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]

Willassen, E.;Thunes, K. H. (1996). "Bracket fungi ( Polyporaceae ): an alternative habitat for soil chironomids (Diptera:Chironomidae)." Pedobiologia 40: 405-412.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, chironomids]

Williams, D. D.;Smith, M. R. (1996). "Colonization dynamics of river benthos in response to local changes in bed characteristics." Freshwater Biology 36: 237-248.
[RDA, limnology, aquatic invertebrates]

Williams, L. R.;Toepfer, C. S.;Martinez, A. D. (1996). "The relationship between fish assemblages and environmental gradients in an Oklahoma prairie stream." Journal of Freshwater Ecology 11: 459-468.
[CCA, ecology, limnology, fish]

Wiser, S. K.;Peet, R. K.;White, P. S. (1996). "High-elevation rock outcrop vegetation of the Southern Appalachian Mountains." Journal of Vegetation Science 7: 703-722.
[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, spatial constraints, ecology, scale, vascular plants]

Witkowski, E. T. F.;O'Connor, T. G. (1996). "Topo-edaphic, floristic and physiognomic gradients of woody plants in a semi-arid African savanna woodland." Vegetatio 124: 9-23.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, vascular plants]

Yoke, K. A.;Rennie, J. C. (1996). "Landscape ecosystem classification in the Cherokee National Forest, East Tennessee, USA." Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 39: 323-338.
[DCCA, ecology, vascular plants]

Zamora-Muñoz, C.;Alba-Tercedor, J. (1996). "Bioassessment of organically polluted Spanish rivers, using a biotic index and multivariate methods." Journal of the North American Benthological Society 15: 332-352.
Zamora-Munoz, C. {}
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, ecology, ecological impacts, aquatic invertebrates]

Zavala-Hurtado, J. A.;Valverde, P. L.;Díaz-Solís;Vite, F.;Portilla, E. (1996). "Vegetation-environment relationships based on a life-forms classification in a semiarid region of Tropical Mexico." Revista de Biologia Tropical 44(2): 581-590.
Diaz-Solis {}
[DCCA, Gaussian logit regression, ecology, vascular plants]

Zhang, Y.;Prepas, E. E. (1996). "Regulation of the dominance of planktonic diatoms and cyanobacteria in four eutrophic hardwater lakes by nutrients, water column stability, and temperature." Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53: 621-633.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, limnology, diatoms, bacteria]

Zonneveld, K. (1996). Paleoclimatic and palaeo-ecologic changes in the Eastern Mediterranean and Arabian Sea regions during the last deglaciaton: a palynological approach to land-sea correlation. Utrecht, The Netherlands.
[CCA, marine ecology, palaeoecology, dinoflagellates]

Zhang, D.-J. (1990). The effect of grassland fragmentation on species richness and composition, Oklahoma State University: 89.
unseen (reference from M. W. Palmer)

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