%A Cumming, B. F.
%A Smol, J. P.
%A Birks, H. J. B.
%D 1992
%T Scaled chrysophytes (Chrysophyceae and Synurophyceae) from Adirondack drainage lakes and their relationship to environmental variables
%B Journal of Phycology
%V 28
%P 162-178
%1 CCA
%1 calibration
%1 bootstrapping
%1 Gaussian logit regression
%1 Monte Carlo tests
%1 partial CCA
%1 response curves
%2 algology
%2 limnology
%3 algae
%3 chrysophytes
%K calibration
%K bootstrapping
%K Gaussian logit regression
%K Monte Carlo tests
%K partial CCA
%K response curves
%K algology
%K limnology
%K algae
%K chrysophytes
%F 0080

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